We Now Carry Little Words Project Bracelets

I am so excited about our latest bracelets! Our Little Words bracelets were custom-designed exclusively for All in the Detail by the Little Words Project®. These message bracelets provide you with subtle reminders and support throughout the day and the concept behind the Project is too sweet.

Our Little Words Bracelets

All in the Detail has worked with the Little Words Project® to bring "Conquer Today" and "Inspire" to our customers. We chose these two messages for the deep meaning they have for me. I have always been inspired by strong, independent women who remain courageous even in the face of tough times. Today, I am inspired to help other women find their own strength, courage, and confidence.

"Conquer Today" features blue glass-look beads, gold spacers, and square gold beads with black lettering. This message is for all the go-getters out there. It feels like words from a coach and is a perfect reminder to focus on the here and now and to give it your all. Conquer today so you can conquer tomorrow and all the days that follow!

"Inspire" features round gold beads and square white beads with black lettering. "Inspire" reminds us to look beyond ourselves to think about how we can influence, impact, and encourage other people. Inspiration comes in many forms, including you!

About the Little Words Project®

The Little Words Project® is about more than bracelets. Their mission is to "inspire and encourage people to be kind to themselves and to pay that kindness forward, one bracelet at time."

What is unique about Little Words Project® is the community that has been created all because of cute bracelets with inspirational messages. All little words bracelets can be registered with the company. The idea is to register your bracelet, wear it to lift yourself up, and then pass it on to someone else when you don't need that word anymore. The next person can then also register it and you'll be able to follow your bracelet's journey from wearer to wearer. 

Little Words Bracelets Make The Perfect Gift

Little words bracelets represent all the values we hold dear at All in the Detail: kindness, self-love, authenticity, grace, and positivity. They are the perfect gift to yourself or others – mothers, daughters, BFFs, your tribe. Buy one for yourself and one for a friend today!

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